Your choice of raw botryoidal prehnite specimens. All have various amounts of epidote. Photographed dry, with and without a flashlight from all sides.
"A" weighs 69.68 grams; measures approx 1.4" x 1.6" and costs $18.
"B" weighs 78.71 grams; measures approx 2.4" x 1.5" and costs $15.
"C" weighs 29.75 grams: measures approx 1" x 1.8" and costs $10.
Prehnite is a rare gemstone that forms as a result of hydrothermal action in mafic volcanics and was named after the Dutch Colonel Hendrik Von Prehn who discovered the stone in the 18th century. In China it is also known as Grape Jade due to its nodule formations which often have the appearance of a bunch of green grapes. Prehnite is an attractive collecters stone that is becoming more well known and used for jewelry purposes. Its color is usually a soft apple green which is quite unique to prehnite. This prehnite was purchase directly from the distributor from South Africa. Prehnite is also used in metaphysicl healing, especially associated with the pancreas and concerns of the metabolism.
All are cleaned, but not treated in any way; thereby retaining any metaphysical or healing properties.
Contact us to declare your choice.